Our care

The welfare of cows, sheeps and goats is an important consideration in agriculture and food production, as it directly impacts the quality of their lives and the quality of the products derived from them, such as milk, beef, and leather. Ensuring the well-being of cows, sheeps and goats involves addressing various aspects of their care and treatment.

Nutrition: Providing cows, sheeps and goats with proper nutrition is essential for their health and well-being. Cows, sheeps and goats should have access to a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs, including sufficient forage (grass or hay) and supplemental feed if necessary. Adequate clean water is also crucial.

Housing: Cows, sheeps and goats should be housed in clean and comfortable environments that protect them from extreme weather conditions. Proper ventilation and shelter are essential to prevent heat stress in hot weather and exposure to cold in winter.

Healthcare: Regular veterinary care is essential to monitor the health of cows, sheeps and goats and provide appropriate medical treatment when needed. This includes vaccinations, deworming, and addressing any injuries or illnesses promptly.

Space and Comfort: Cows, sheeps and goats should have enough space to move, lie down, and exhibit natural behaviors. Overcrowding can lead to stress, injuries, and disease. Comfortable bedding, such as straw or sand, should be provided for resting.

Behavioral Needs: Cows, sheeps and goats have natural behaviors like grazing, socializing, and grooming. Providing opportunities for these activities helps prevent boredom and stress. Pasture access for grazing is beneficial.

Good treatment of the Earth in farming involves sustainable practices that prioritize the long-term health of the environment and the well-being of both crops and animals. This includes practices such as organic farming, crop rotation, reduced chemical use, and responsible water management. It also involves caring for the soil, promoting biodiversity, and treating animals humanely. Sustainable farming is essential for producing healthy food while minimizing environmental impact, ensuring a resilient future for agriculture and our planet.
